Consent Orders

In a breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship a legally binding Consent Order can avoid a stressful, expensive, and drawn-out scenario. Speak to our experienced family law solicitors for legal guidance and advice in the negotiation of Consent Orders with your former partner & lodgement with the Court.

How a Consent Order can help you in your separation

A Consent Order can cover the division of assets, debts, and obligations as agreed to by both parties. This can include finances such as savings, investments, and pensions as well as property, spousal maintenance, parenting arrangements and superannuation.Once an agreement has been reached, a Consent Order can be submitted to the Court for approval without the need for either of the parties to attend. If accepted by the Court, the Consent Order will be formalised and enforced.While not technically necessary, it is highly recommended you engage a specialist family lawyer in both the negotiation and drafting process of your Consent Order application to ensure you are legally covered and your rights are protected.

Experienced Guidance and Advice on Consent Order Applications

East Coast Law can provide experienced legal guidance and advice in the negotiation of Consent Orders with your former spouse or de facto partner.

We can help you with:

We offer affordable and approachable family law services and will be happy to assist with your Consent Order applications. With offices in Newcastle, Toukley, Maitland, Edgeworth & Port Macquarie our team are here to help you navigate separation and divorce, offering care, compassion, and certainty during a difficult time.
Speak to our family lawyers and discuss your options for moving forward
Speak to our family lawyers and discuss your options for moving forward
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